People and Society
- As of January 1, 2023, Curaçao has 148,925 inhabitants, with a slight majority of women.
- The population during the Census of 2023 consist of 155.826 inhabitants
- The age distribution shows a significant group (22%) in the 45-59 age category.
Population | January 1st, 2023 | Census 2023 |
Total population | 148.925 | 155.826 |
Male | 67.613 | 70.162 |
Female | 81.312 | 85.596 |
Sex ration (males per 100 females) | 83.2 | 84.3 |
Age-groups (%) | January 1st, 2023 | Census 2023 |
0-14 | 16.3 | 14.1 |
15-29 | 15.4 | 14.1 |
30-44 | 17.7 | 17.0 |
45-59 | 22.0 | 21.4 |
60-74 | 20.0 | 23.0 |
75-89 | 7.8 | 9.4 |
90+ | 0.7 | 0.8 |
For data from previous years and detailed information, please visit the main website Population | Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao (
Marriages & Divorces
- Total Marriages:
- In 2021, there were 500 marriages in total, with 408 resident marriages and 92 non-resident marriages.
- Divorces:
- In 2021, 328 divorces were recorded.
Marriages | 2020 | 2021 |
Resident marriages | n.a. | 408 |
Non-resident marriages | n.a. | 92 |
Total marriages | n.a. | 500 |
Crude marriage rate | n.a. | n.a. |
Divorces | 2020 | 2021 |
Divorces | n.a. | 328 |
Divorces per 100 marriages | n.a. | n.a. |
For data from previous years and detailed information, please visit the main website Population | Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao (
Fertility | 2022 | 2023 |
Total live birth | 1232 | 1170 |
male | 625 | 596 |
female | 607 | 579 |
For data from previous years and detailed information, please visit the main website Population | Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao (
Mortality | 2022 | 2023 |
Total death | 1575 | 1510 |
male | 775 | 787 |
female | 800 | 723 |
For data from previous years and detailed information, please visit the main website Population | Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao (
Migration | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Total emigration | 5,564 | 5.728 | 4.988 |
Total immigration | 3.337 | 3.930 | 4.498 |
For data from previous years and detailed information, please visit the main website Population | Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao (
Social Affairs
Minimum wages per 1st of January 2024 (per hour) | ANG 11.28 |
Number of persons receiving social securities | 2021 | 2022 |
General Old Age Insurance (AOV) | 49.648 | 51.544 |
General Widow's and Orphans insurances (AWW) | 2.931 | 2.856 |
Illness Insurance (ZV) | 36.727 | 38.782 |
Basic Health Insurance (BZV) | 143.847 | 140.178 |
Source: Social Security Bank |
Welfare benefits (onderstand)* | ||
Number of persons | Total amount paid (x1000 Naf) | |
2021 | 7951 | 36012 |
2022 | 7061 | 33347 |
2023 | 6114 | 32293 |
2024 | 5621 | 33672 |
For data from previous years and detailed information, please visit the main website Social Affairs | Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao (
Total visitor's tourist arrivals | 2023 | 2024 |
Cruise arrivals | 710,769 | 834.922 |
Day trippers | 19,763 | 35.498 |
Stay over tourists | 582,409 | 700.249 |
Total | 1,312,941 | 1,570,669 |
Source: Curaçao Tourism Board |
For data from previous years and detailed information, please visit the main website Tourism | Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao (
Component | Variable | 2008 | 2017 | Increase/ | Increase/ |
Demand side | Housing Demand | 63.018 | 78.728 | 15.710 | 2.8% per annum |
Housing need | 21% | 26% | 5589 | 5.0 percent points | |
Supply side | Housing supply | 58.321 | 71.037 | 13.716 | 2,6 per annum |
Housing vacancy | 8.0% | 4.0% | 1869 | 4.0 percent points | |
Confrontation demand and supply | Housing shortage | 7.4%*** | 8.5%*** | 2200 | 1.1 percent points |
* housing need divided by number of households
** housing vacancy divided by housing supply
*** housing shortage divided by housing
For data from previous years and detailed information, please visit the main website Housing | Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao (
2022* | |
Total students primary (Funderend Onderwijs) | 13.624 |
Total students secondary education (VSBO/HAVO/VWO/VSO) | 8.592 |
Total secondary vocational education (SBO) | 3.753 |
Total Students Special education | 1.151 |
Source: Ministry of Education |
* per 1 december
For data from previous years and detailed information, please visit the main website Education | Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao (
Transport & Communication
2020* | 2021* | 2022* | |
Passengers Cars registered | 79.678 | 79.186 | 78.717 |
Number op passenger cars per 1000 inhabitants | 435 | 444 | |
Source: Collector's Office | |||
* per December 31st |
Harbour statistics | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Total Ships piloted into ports | 1.725 | 2.156 | |
Tankers | 161 | 220 | |
Cruise ships | 130 | 288 | |
Freighters | 754 | 682 | |
Others | 392 | 590 | |
Local | 288 | 376 | |
Source: Curaçao Ports Autority (CPA) |
Air traffic Movements | 2021 | 2022 |
Air Traffic Movements Landing | 12.812 | 15.632 |
Air Traffic Movements Take Off | 12.788 | 15.596 |
Source: Curaçao Airport Partners (CPA) |
2020 | 2021 | |
Fixed telephone subscriptions | 53.513 | 53.095 |
Mobile cellular telephone subscriptions | 84.710 | 168.007 |
Fixed Broadband subscriptions | 51.466 | 54.213 |
Source: Bureau Telecommunicatie & Post (BTP) |
2022 | 2023 | |
Number of road accidents | 10.239 | 11085 |
Number of victims: | ||
of which killed | 26 | 15 |
hospitalised | 167* | 188 |
not hospitalised | 364* | 500 |
Source: Veilig Verkeer Curaçao |
For data from previous years and detailed information, please visit the main website
Povertyline Curaçao by type of household (ANG per month) | ||
January 1st, 2022 | January 1st, | |
Two adults and two children | 2926 | 3141 |
One person household | 1393 | 1456 |
Two adults | 2099 | 2253 |
One adult with one child | 1812 | 1945 |
One adult with two children | 2229 | 2393 |
Two adult with one child | 2508 | 2693 |
Three adults | 2786 | 2991 |
Inflation former year (December) | 3.8% | 7.4% |
For data from previous years and detailed information, please visit the main website Poverty | Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao (
Social Media 2022

Government & Politics
General information of the voters of the Elections for the Parliament of Curaçao | ||
2017 | 2021 | |
Number of votes | Number of votes | |
Registered voters | 120430 | 116146 |
Valid votes | 78830 | 84846 |
Invalid / blanc | 1138 | 1132 |
Poll turn-up | 66% | 74% |
Source: Konseho Supremo Elektoral |
For data from previous years and detailed information, please visit the main website Government & Politics | Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao (
Labour | 2020* | 2022* |
Employed population | 57,050 | 66.722 |
Unemployed population | 13,442 | 10.035 |
Labour force | 70,494 | 76.757 |
Economically not active population | 54,562 | 47.479 |
Participation rate (%) | 46.7 | 51.5 |
Labour force participation rate (%) | 56.4 | 61.6 |
Unemployment rate% | 19.1 | 13.1 |
Youth unemployment rate % | 42.2 | 29.8 |
Employment/total population (%) | 37.8 | 44.8 |
Employment/population 15+ (%) | 45.6 | 53.5 |
*Source : Labour Force Survey conduct by CBS (annual)